Sunday, August 21, 2011

Blink and you'll miss it . . .

I have been negligent. A month in between blogs wasn't really the plan when I started this, I'd hoped it would be a weekly thing. Oh intentions, they are such slippery things, aren't they?

Did you know we're nearing the end of August, about to slide into September? Well, I just realized that today, and it came as a big slap in the face. Summer is almost over!! I had plans, things I wanted to accomplish. This summer I was going to:

1. Work more on my book (I'm starting to wonder if it's writer's block or if I'm starting to dread deep-down that it's unadulterated drivel).

2. Develop actual abdominal muscles (These may be an urban legend, I'm unconvinced of their existence)

3. Explore hiking trails in the area (This always sounds like a peaceful thing to do on my own, but then I'm beset by paranoia of ax murderers attacking me while I'm blithely enjoying nature)

4. Attempt to take up jogging again (This time I won't get shin splints, right?)

5. Cultivate my devotional life (MUCH more Jesus in my life would be a very good thing)

6. Invite people over for dinner (I'm allowing laziness to get in the way of a social life)

7. Have a beach day (Is there anything better than a Sabbath at the Oregon Coast?)

8. Explore new areas of Portland (I'm absolutely positive that there are myriad adventures to be had if I can find them:)

9. Clean out my pantry (There are cereal boxes in there from when I first moved in. Two years ago.)

10.Work on my budgeting skills (Numbers are not my friends)

11. Develop a crush (You know, someone I can admire from a distance but never work up the courage to speak to . . . )

12. Plant flowers on my balcony (I am determined to lose my reputation for having a black thumb)

I'll just admit right now, none of the above really ended up happening. I found one new hike, have occasionally remembered to read more in my new devotional book, have had one person over for dinner, and took baby steps toward exploring Portland. In general though, big, huge FAIL on my summer list.

I always think I'm going to have so much time. And then life interferes and re-directs and suddenly it's almost September and you start making a list for autumn.

1 comment:

  1. There are SEVERAL things I inherently want to respond to in this blog. However, I have decided to focus on one key issue that is dear to my heart: I LOVE YOUR BOOK!!!! Stop thinking it's drivel. It is amazing and I need more of it! Write, Woman, WRITE! :)
